Labor Day Weekend Seminar September 5-7, 2015 with Morito Suganuma Shihan (Senior Shihan of Kyushu, Japan).

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Seminar September 11-13, 2015 with John Brinsley Sensei, 5th Dan Shidoin of Aikido Daiwa, Burbank, CA
Brinsley Sensei lived in Japan and trained at Hombu Dojo for over 15 years prior to returning to California.

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Fall Seminar September 18-20, 2015 with John Chiarolanzio Shidoin, Chief Instructor of Aikido of New Paltz. All styles of Aikido are absolutely welcome. Following class on Saturday, there will be a potluck at the Old Drum Bakery and Coffeehouse, where a barista will be on hand to serve coffees and teas, as well as other fresh baked snacks (at a slight charge).

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5 Year Anniversary Seminar September 19-20, 2015 with Peter Bernath Shihan and Claude Berthiaume Shihan.

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Autumn Seminar October 16 - 18, 2015 with special guest instructors, Yamada Shihan and Yokota Shihan.
This seminar celebrates 40 years of aikido at the Midwest Aikido Center. |